With economic development and progress in mind, the concept of sustainability is a step towards preserving natural and cultural heritage, and passing them on to the next generation. It substantially frames the future of world of business, as well as engenders personal change.

Adopted by Bürotime, the fundamental principle of sustainability is based on its urge to materialize its innovative products while being mindful of humans, environment, and elements of design. Pursuant to its “Integrated Management System Policy”, it adopted as a principle to use raw materials that do not jeopardize environment and human health, to reduce waste, and to increase the rate of recycling. Since the very first day at its Konya Organized Industrial Zone facilities, it has been delivering world-class production with its modernization practices in production technology, environment-friendly infrastructure, and sustainable environmental policies.

  • The wastage amount that occurs in our facility dropped 70% thanks to the modernization we implemented in our packaging system.
  • Glass (kitchen), paper (office), and metal wastes that result from domestic and office use are regularly stored and delivered to recycling plants, free of charge.
  • FSC (Forest Stewardship Council))-certified raw material is used in production.
  • Burning wood flour, originating from our factory production, in a steam boiler generates energy for the facility. Stack gas and dust emission that re-enter the atmosphere as a result of burning these organic wastes are regularly measured; while these values are well below the standards stated in the Environmental Legislation (Industrial Air Pollution Control Regulation), as well as the world class limit values.
  • The “return to burning biomass/organic waste” method among improvement works conducted by today’s industry in order to reduce carbon footprint have been practiced for years, while at the same time recycling processes have been performed in terms of generating energy wastes.
  • It was selected as ‘Konya City Champion’ in 2012 at the “Turkey’s Cleanest Industrial Facility” organized by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.
  • Waste recycling prevented 3200 trees from being cut, and a ‘Memorial Forest’ project was materialized on the Konya-Antalya Highway in order to leave a world that is cleaner and more beautiful to future generations.
  • Uluslararası Geri Dönüşüm, Çevre Teknolojileri ve Atık Yönetimi Fuarı REW İstanbul’u yakından takip etmekte, yenilikleri iş akışına entegre etmek için canla başla çalışmaktadır.

Offering users environments that protect human health, and improve quality of life, with superior indoor air quality in accordance with the sustainability approach it employs in production, it became the first office furniture manufacturer in 2014 that was qualified to receive the GREENGUARD Gold certificate in Turkey. Bürotime is the first choice of organizations that require green building certificates like LEED and BREEAM, and it aims at expanding awareness on sustainability by focusing on efficient natural resources.

Bürotime believes in the possibility of a sustainable future through policies of human resources that inspire young talents, and advocate equal and active participation of women in professional life.

In recent years Bürotime undertook a project in partnership with İŞKUR in order to improve women’s employment, where it provided courses in furniture upholstery at its production facility for 39 days to 10 single mothers, who receive aid from the governorship, and reside in women’s shelters. Women who were qualified to receive their vocational training certificates started working at Bürotime furniture manufacturing department.

Bürotime continues to take on an active role in projects devoted to advancing university-industry collaborations; and it aims at accelerating the adaptation process of young engineering candidates to business life and the industry, through the “Workplace Training” (Intern Engineering) program carried out in partnership with Selcuk University School of Technology.

In order to implement its sustainability-related strategies and to maintain them for an extended period of time, Bürotime will structure all of its operations and work processes accordingly, and assess and evaluate its achievements for the purpose of advancing awareness.