
Bürotime at Orgatec Fair with "Balance" Concept

Orgatec Fair, the most important meeting of the office furniture sector, brings together industry professionals from all over the world in Cologne, Germany between 25-29 October 2022. Considering the changing business life dynamics in the post-pandemic period and the effects of digital transformation, the fair organized under the title of "New Visions of Work" and Bürotime will participate to the fair with the concept of "Balance" this year.

In the conditions related to the pandemic and in the rapidly developing digital transformation processes, Bürotime started from the fact that, everyone feels how vital the concept of "Balance" is in all areas of life; especially the balance of work and private life; is working to further develop this element in its own products, production and approaches.

In the face of flexible working hours, the dynamics of working without being tied to space and the speed of digital communication, Bürotime aims to help people who have difficulty in achieving "Balance" in all areas of life, with the products it has developed.

In this new period, Bürotime aims to bring balance to people's lives with the products it designs and produces, which considers the balance between;

  • work x home life
  • design x functionality
  • tradition x innovation
  • individuality x teamwork
  • old ways x new ways of doing business
  • technology x natüre
  • growth x sustainability
  • soft x hard tissues

Bürotime will continue to maintain its innovative approach and "Balance" in working environments with today's needs and the vision of the future and after the Orgatec Fair..

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