He was born in Kocaeli in 1983. Between the years 2002-2006 Aslantaş studied at Dumlupinar University, Department of Economics and Administrative Sciences. However in 2011, he decided to follow his dreams, and eventually he was graduated from Mimar Sinan University School of Fine Arts – Department of Industrial Design. Throughout his education, he gained extensive experience by creating several different designs for industries that are different from but related to each other. In 2011 he won the second price with “Concept Plastic Product Sets Professional Category” at the 2011 IMMIB Industrial Design Contests, and he received the 1st Honorable Mention at the 2010 Istanbul Design Week with his “The Future Cab of Istanbul” workshop. Aslantaş believes in design being an essential part of life, as he continues to produce more.
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